Jennifer Peterson Selected as BMTCN of the Year

The Oncology Nursing Certification Corporation (ONCC) announces Jennifer Peterson MSN, RN, OCN®, BMTCN® as the 2024 Blood and Marrow Transplant Certified Nurse (BMTCN®) of the Year. Peterson is a Clinical Practice Education Specialist at City of Hope National Medical Center in Duarte, California.
Peterson is being recognized for her achievements in blood and marrow transplant nursing practice, nursing service, and promotion of certification.
Peterson promotes certification at City of Hope and throughout the southern California region, where she co-developed a BMTCN® review course that has been taught to over 300 nurses. At City of Hope, she leads several quality improvement initiatives on the transplant unit and is co-principal investigator of a funded research study on best practices for stem cell infusion. She authored a book chapter on HSCT and CAR-T Cell Therapy in the Core Curriculum. She has made more than 25 poster/podium presentations at national conferences and presented hundreds of lectures to nurses, patients, and physicians on topics in BMT and HCT. She chairs ONCC’s BMTCN® Test Development Committee and has held numerous Oncology Nursing Society (ONS) chapter leadership positions.
According to Peterson, “I am so honored to be selected for this award. I have several mentors and colleagues to thank for their support over the years in addition to the patients who I have had the honor to care for.”
Peterson was presented with her award at the Recognition Breakfast for Oncology Certified Nurses on April 26 in Washington, DC, during the ONS Congress.
ONCC provides the premier, nationally accredited certifications for registered nurses in oncology and related specialties. Certification promotes health and safety by validating competence and ensuring lifelong learning in these fields. More than 40,000 nurses are certified by ONCC in adult oncology, pediatric hematology oncology, breast care, or blood and marrow transplant nursing.