Renewal Deadlines and Fees

 Early Bird Deadline 
September 15, 2025 (Save $100!)
Final Deadline
October 15, 2025
Option 1: Renewal Points
ONS/APHON Member$240$340
Option 2: Test*
ONS/APHON Member$300 
Option 3: Test + Renewal Points*
ONS/APHON Member$400$500

* Apply by September 1 to ensure a 90-day test window before certification expires. Note: Option 2 and Option 3 are not available for CPON®, AOCN®, or AOCNS® renewals. Early bird fees shown include the $100 discount off the final deadline fee.

Note: Beginning in January 2025, certification applicants will need to provide the last four digits of their social security number and their National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) ID during the application process. Please obtain your NCSBN number from before completing your online application. At, choose the Quick Confirm License Lookup option and follow the on-screen instructions to search for your NCSBN ID. Make a note of your ID number to have available when applying for certification.


Assessment Deadline - January 31 of the year certification renewal is due 

OCN®, BMTCN®, CBCN®, CPHON®, and AOCNP® candidates who are eligible to take the assessment must complete the assessment by January 31 of the year certification renewal is due. (For example: candidates due to renew certification in 2025 must complete the assessment by January 31, 2025.)